Wednesday, December 12, 2007

true wisdom

"True knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance" -the original one-my addendum- "true jargonism is the ability to cover this ignorance with verbal diarrhea."

Ok, so the quote is not all that great but this is what I may have to do to get past interviews!
But its very interesting that jargon can be used both as a defensive and as an offensive weapon. Think about the times that you have done that at your job or even at home. You just throw some important sounding words and that gives you valuable respite. Masters of this art may even get promotions or social status and may never ever be found out.
So lets cut to the chase, is there a counter attack? I think there is. My friend D is quite good at it. You just stop the person in the middle of the sentence and politely tell him that you haven't understood a word! Takes courage ppl but try it and let me know ur feedback.

Note: I think there's more to be written about this so as of now this quote is to be continued....


Aadil said...

Great blog, bandho! chanced upon it via rujutas blog.

great gyaan..heres a related quote
'the only stupid question is the one you did not ask'

Abhishek Bhide said...

Hi dude, I had sent you a link to this blog plus it shows on my orkut profile. Neways now you know. Have u written much in your blog?
And great quote btw.